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friendship book
Friendship Book

"This collection of dazzling photographs captures friends practicing yoga and friendship in spectacular settings around the world. The photographs are coupled with inspiring quotes that celebrate the sometimes simple and sometimes complex connections that form from the cherished practice of friendship.” 

                                                              Tristan Publishing

Laurie Ellis-Young, a globe-trotting yoga teacher for over 40 years and Nancy Chakrin, a multi-talented artist and photographer, began their friendship in Guatemala in 2008.


An unlikely but complementary duo, they challenge  each other to alternately "Do" and "Be," sharing a dance between structure and spontaneity. Their quest compelled them to explore volcanoes, lakes, mountains, deserts, ocean beaches, jungles and cityscapes all in pursuit of revealing the synergy between yoga and friendship.




Breathe better using breath techniques often taught when practicing yoga.

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