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upcoming domestic trainings
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Gardens of Dharmananda
Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas
Dates to be determined
Breath IS Life: The WHY, WOW & HOW
of Optimal Breathing with Laurie Ellis-Young

Explore and harness the “Extraordinary Power in Your Ordinary Breath” for yourself, and to share with others by becoming a Level I or Level II Certified Trainer. (CEU’s offered)

“If I had to limit my advice on healthier living to just one tip, it would be simply to learn how to breathe correctly.”

                                                                             ~Dr. Andrew Weil

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You are invited to the beautiful gardens of Dharmananda in Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas.


You will explore how your breathing is both an ART and a SCIENCE, while harnessing its “super-powers” for more: Presence, Peace, Power, Poise, Patience, Passion & Purpose in order to live your most fulfilling life.


For many of us, the world seems crazy right now and there is nothing we can really do about it. Yet masters have always told us that if we want to change the world we must begin with ourselves.


How we breathe is core to who we are. How we breathe is how we live life.


Whatever field you are involved in, this retreat/training will enhance your abilities to perform and contribute both personally and professionally.


Each session takes place in Laurie’s private home and gardens where the natural environment fosters the extraordinary power in your ordinary breath to unfold and be nurtured.

You will learn and explore:

  • how to embody and teach the “Power of Breath” Workshop Part I

  • key components from “Breath Is Life”

  • how your quality of breath contributes to living your most fulfilling life

We will address the power of breath - from A-Z!

Anxiety | Blood Pressure | Compassion | Depression | Executive Functions | Focus | Grace | Health-span | Intuition | Jitters | Kindness | Logic | MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) | Neuroscience | Optimism | Performance Quality | Relationships | Stress | Trauma | Upliftment | Vagus Nerve | Yoga | Zen

Why teach breath? Why now? Why Breath Is Life?
The importance of breath is in the news!
he world is ready wanting to learn and know more from qualified instructors.

Training is based on the award-winning book and master course on Breath Literacy:

Breath Is Life. Taking In and Letting Go: How to Live Well, Love Well, BE Well 

Award Categories: Health / Health & Fitness / Mind, Body, Spirit / Best Overall Design / Best First Book- Nonfiction


Awarded by:  IBPA (Independent Book Publishers Association), Next Generation Indie (International) Book Awards

and MIPA (Midwest Independent Publishers Assoc.)

Training Details


To Be determined

What's Included

  • The “Power of Breath” comprehensive teaching manual

  • Award-winning book: “Breath Is Life. Taking In and Letting Go: How to Live Well, Love Well, BE Well”

  • All teachings and routines

  • One personal session for individual consultation (during or after retreat)

  • Completion Certificate

  • Hearty Appetizers, Soup/ Salad / Wine – Saturday night

  • Delicious Vegetarian Lunch M/T/T/F

  • Delectable & Healthy snacks

  • One fire in the fire pit

  • Serendipitous Surprises

  • One excursion to Garvan Woodland Gardens

  • Opportunities for connection and teaching with BreathLogic

  • Become part of our BreathLogic Global Family!


  Not Included     â€‹

  • Round trip transportation to/from Dharmananda (LIT—Little Rock is closest airport)

  • Accommodations (Airbnb’s, national park cabins or hotels)

  • Transportation between Airbnb's/hotels and Gardens of Dharmananda

  • Meals other than stated

Price: $1,299.00 (Small group limitation for more individual attention) 


Deposit: $250.00 non-refundable deposit due at registration

(Circumstances may allow application to other offerings)


Scholarships available.


Includes an excursion to Garvan Woodland Gardens!
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a message from Laurie

“I feel this training is unique and special. I have been honing these teachings for over 30 years, learning how to reach yoga teachers & students, medical personnel, patients, educators, elders, students from K-post grad, homemakers, executives, office workers, athletes, UN personnel, girls rescued from brothels, peace workers, veterans and people dealing with direct trauma, secondary trauma, and stress in walks of life, everywhere.


I want to pass on “Breath Literacy” and how to share maximum amount of material (that can change people’s breath and people’s lives) in the minimum amount of time. Voilà! ‘The Power of Breath’ workshop combined with wisdom and knowledge in “Breath Is Life,” and BLIPPs (Breath Literacy’s Instant Power Practices).”

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What people are saying 
  • I have expanded my understanding of breath and I will be forever changed.  – Retreat / Training


  • The depth and breadth of what we learned was beyond my expectations. – Retreat /Training
    Everything about this training and retreat was superbly orchestrated. I feel like I have lifetime tools that I can immediately share. – Retreat / Training


  • I am already using Heart Breath with preschoolers, adults and Seniors.  I can’t thank you enough for everything – Retreat / Training​​


  • I am grateful beyond words for your work with us.  You covered an amazing amount of territory, so I applaud your courage and strength.  I feel today that a large amount of density lifted physically, mentally and emotionally.   And that process will continue for a while.  – Power of Breath Workshop


  • You are a gifted facilitator for deep transformational change.  –Power of BreathWorkshop


  • I am beginning to realize how important the breath is to a healthy, radiant life – thank you once again.  –Power of Breath Workshop​


  • “I have taken many workshops over the years, but this was THE VERY best!  –Power of Breath Workshop


  • Laurie was so inspirational!  From the embodiment of her ‘being’ and philosophy of her practice, I learned of a deep, spiritual respect for the art of breathing correctly and how it benefits both the body and soul.  –Power of Breath Workshop


  • Her presentation style is with grace, peacefulness and humor. I have never experienced anything like her before. –Power of Breath Workshop​​


  • I appreciate my new “tools” and the adventurous experiences.  –Retreat / Training​​


  • You far exceeded my expectations.  You taught in such a way that I remembered just about everything you said, and that is unusual for me.  I would highly recommend this to everyone. –Power of Breath Workshop


  • Laurie’s breath workshop was one of the most profound experiences of my life. I have been a student of the spiritual all of my life and have explored many avenues in my quest. Laurie’s workshop was one of the most profound consciousness raising experiences I have had. –Power of Breath Workshop


  • While I only planned to attend the morning workshop, I was so inspired with her teachings that I stayed for the full day. It was the second half of the workshop that totally blew the top off for me. It was through her fun-loving and open-hearted approach to the breath work and an outdoor nature meditation walk that she opened me into the consciousness from which she was teaching. –Power of Breath Workshop


  • I have been in the healthcare field for decades and appreciate the incredible scope of her knowledge and teachings.” –Power of Breath Workshop


From NESA Educational Conference in Athens:
The Breath workshop exceeded my expectation in so many ways and I wanted to share some feedback about this with you using a basic framework that we use for IB lesson planning and delivery.  The framework is called KUD – as in Knowledge, Understanding and Doing (Skills).


KNOWLEDGE I found the depth of your knowledge about biology, physiology, human
anatomy, and logic, enticing and fascinating.  Your theoretical and technical knowledge
of the human body was used most effectively to supplement your anecdotal, and often
funny, background in breathing and yoga.


SKILLS (DOING) From the start of the workshop, you incorporated practice and demonstration into our learning as participants.  Rather than talk only, you preferred to demonstrate, and encouraged us to experience the impact/effects of proper breathing techniques on our daily lives.  This method of delivery allowed us to embed the
practices into our lives in a seamless manner.  Your experiential approach enabled me to overcome my own inhibitions about breathing incorrectly and in front of others.


UNDERSTANDING What was apparent from the opening activity of the workshop, was your deep understanding of the many ways in which breathing techniques were transferable to participants.  As we practiced the techniques and the skills, our understanding deepened.  Through the fusion of real-world applications (your stories) and your ethnographic research (your life experiences), we were able to appreciate your passion and your authentic approach to the mantra of “breath is life”.

Registration for Gardens of Dharmananda

Breath Is Life: Optimal Breathing Trainings

You may make a deposit or full payment* 

Select an item ($)

*If full payment is not made at time of registration, then a non-refundable deposit is due at time of registration


To keep costs affordable, transaction fees for credit/debit cards and PayPal will be passed on to buyer. To avoid these fees, please choose Offline Payment at checkout to use Zelle or pay by check.

Full payment does not include:


  • Round trip transportation to/from Dharmananda (LIT—Little Rock is closest airport)

  • Accommodations (Airbnb’s, national park cabins or hotels)

  • Transportation between Airbnb's/hotels and Gardens of Dharmananda

  • Meals other than stated

Thanks for registering!

Registrtion Form
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