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The Brain, the Breath & the Heart
Your team for success
In this highly experiential and neuroscience-based session you will learn the importance of utilizing your breath for health, empowerment and success. By utilizing ancient and contemporary practices you will soon understand why and how when “the Breath” operates as your CEO, the attributes of “the Brain” and “the Heart” are strengthened. A powerful, focused synergy can then occur for achieving successful objectives, with greater balance, clarity, creativity and ease.
This powerful workshop can be tailored to your needs and time allotment.

To schedule, please contact
This powerful workshop can be tailored to your needs and time allotment.

To schedule, please contact
The Power of Breath
What your lungs want you to know
to really start living
Learn simple but powerful techniques that will change your life —all areas of your life, be it physical or psychological. You will understand how “Breath is life” and that the quality of your breath directly impacts the quality of your life. You will leave with tools and strategies to move from the dynamics of merely “surviving” to thoroughly “thriving.”  
When you learn to breathe better,
you will live better,
  • Feel better
  • Create better
  • Focus better
  • Learn better
  • Perform better
  • Sleep better
  • Lead better
  • Love better
This enlightening workshop can be tailored to your needs and time allotment.

To schedule, please contact
Cultivating Inner & Outer Peace
There is no way to peace; peace is the way
Do you feel a call to help make positive changes in the world? Do you want to experience more peace in your life and more peace on our planet? Yet, do you feel sometimes that it’s all too overwhelming and you, as one person, cannot do anything? There are stronger movements now than in any other time in history to galvanize humanity to connect in ways that create collaborative and peaceful co-existence and you, as an individual, can play an important role in helping to make this happen. Masters have always told us: “If you want to change the world you must begin with yourself.”

We will discuss:                                                                                                                                      

  • Practices for Developing Deep Personal Peace 

  • Practices for Cultivating Peace Through Communication 

  • Steps you can take to create peace at home, work, in communities and worldwide

  • Ideas for generating peace-building among youth 

  • Stories of inspiration and hope for how we can collectively help create a more peaceful world 

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