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supporting ukraine

Breathing Techniques on the Battlefield

Two years ago we started with one person, Dr. Natalia Verzun, who began using BreathLogic’s breathing techniques for resiliency and self-empowerment. This soon increased to six people for an in-person training in Cyprus, who then shared with hundreds, including refugees, children, and even frontline soldiers. We never dreamed our training programs would be used this way!


Now psychologist, Dr. Oksana Ruda has instigated a campaign to expand this outreach to thousands. She and other psychologists (and trainers), have requested advanced, in-person training from BreathLogic so they may help others exponentially.


Your donation will help us provide this advanced training. Can we count on you?

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Teaching Ukrainian psychologists coping skills and breathing techniques
to deal with the traumas and atrocities of war

Since February 2022 at the start of the war in Ukraine, Laurie and Dr. George have counseled Ukrainian psychologists via frequent and sometimes weekly Zoom calls. 


Laurie and Dr. George continue to teach coping and breathing techniques to the  psychologists, many of whom are exiled throughout Europe.


In September 2022, Laurie and Dr. George provided an in-person Professional Development Training session in Cyprus for the psychologists shown in the photo above. 


This training was so well received that the Ukrainian psychologists have requested additional Professional Development Training. 

Dr. George and Laurie provide weekly Zoom calls
to Ukrainian psychologists.
Co-Founders Nancy Chakrin and Laurie Ellis-Young

Laurie is co-founder of BreathLogic, a nonprofit organization dedicated to teaching Breath Literacy around the globe. This year, BreathLogic celebrates 10 years.


In honor of this anniversary, BreathLogic has launched a fundraising campaign to help support the Ukrainian psychologists with additional Professional Development Training.


Please consider donating $10 or more to BreathLogic to support this important work.

Laurie Ellis-Young Birthday Fundrasier - A Huge Success!

In August 2022, Laurie asked for donations to fund a 5-day in-person
Professional Development Training workshop in Cyprus for exiled Ukrainian psychologists.

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Co-authors Laurie Ellis-Young and George T. Ellis PsyD wrote much of their book, Breath Is Life TAKING IN and LETTING GO: How to Live Well, Love Well, BE Well while living in Ukraine from 2016-2021 while Dr. Ellis worked for The Organization for Cooperation and Security in Europe (OCSE) establishing a mental health program for OCSE Peace Monitors and staff working in critical situations throughout Ukraine.


Since the war started in February, Ukrainians have experienced devastating war-related atrocities and trauma. Psychologists, many of whom are now exiled all over Europe, are traumatized themselves yet continue to help people as best they can.


In response to this grave need, Dr. George and Laurie started offering weekly zoom sessions to support these struggling mental health professionals. Participating psychologists benefitted from online sessions so much that they asked Dr. George and Laurie to help accelerate their learning with in-person training at a central location in Europe.


Costs seemed prohibitive, so just before her birthday in August Laurie put out a call for donations and within a short time over $10,000 was raised to support an in-person workshop in Cyprus.


Ukrainian Psychologist and participant Natalie Verzun wrote,

“I am very grateful to my American colleagues for such a unique training that is so desperately needed for Ukrainian professionals right now. The deep dive into neuropsychology with Dr. Ellis and learning stress-reducing breathing techniques from the inspirational breath pioneer Laurie Ellis-Young was beyond my expectations.”


Laurie and Dr. George are delighted with the outcome, and deeply grateful to the communities that helped make it happen. Their work continues and ongoing support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to help, please consider donating.


On February 13th, 2022, Laurie and George's book,

Breath Is Life arrived in Kiev, Ukraine.

Just days later, Russia invaded.


Laurie and Dr. George lived in Kiev for over four years.


They have many friends and colleagues who fled for their lives and have been exiled throughout Europe for nearly a year. Some of those people have returned to Ukraine to defend their country and support others who are dealing with the traumas of the war.


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